WATCH: The Full 1969 Moon Landing
Before we even get started, let’s make one thing clear: Yes, men landed on the moon. This is a fact. This is not up for debate. This is not open to interpretation. Stanley Kubrick was not involved.
Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, many of today’s space enthusiasts weren’t alive for the 1969 moon landing and thus didn’t get to experience the awe and wonder that people must have been feeling while watching this historic footage for the first time. That being said, many haven’t even watched more than those few notable seconds where Neil Armstrong spoke his famous words, even though all of the footage is at our fingertips.
So grab a beer, dim the lights, and try to imagine that you are seeing this for the first time in 1969…
Original Mission Video as aired in July 1969 depicting the Apollo 11 astronauts conducting several tasks during extravehicular activity (EVA) operations on the surface of the moon. The EVA lasted approximately 2.5 hours with all scientific activities being completed satisfactorily. The Apollo 11 (EVA) began at 10:39:33 p.m.
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