Explore the Surface of Mars...From Your Couch (INTERACTIVE)
See through the eyes of NASA's Curiosity rover with Access Mars, available to the public. Image Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech
One of the greatest things about being an astrophile is the abundance of free information. Space agencies want to teach and provide public access to research and findings, even to the point of developing special VR programs using real data and photos from NASA missions for our enjoyment.
Access Mars is the lovechild of NASA's JPL and Google, and offers an incredible glimpse into the Martian surface by using photos from two stereoscopic camera systems aboard Curiosity to map the terrain.
Access Mars allows you to explore the observable surface of Mars, pieced together with real photos from Curiosity. Image Credit: LouderSpace.com
While WebVR part is a little buggy when using a full headset, it's an otherworldly experience nonetheless. The eerie accompanying soundtrack perfectly captures the loneliness of what it would feel like to explore a barren planet.
"Access Mars lets anyone with an Internet connection take a guided tour of what scientists experience," NASA officials said in a statement.
"Users also can visit four sites that have been critical to NASA's Mars Science Laboratory mission: Curiosity's landing site; Murray Buttes; Marias Pass and Pahrump Hills," NASA officials added. "Additionally, the rover's latest location on lower Mount Sharp will be periodically updated to reflect the mission's ongoing progress."